busy weekends -- assignments & revision for mid terms
CAL - credit analysis n lending assignment due on coming monday
but still not sure whether what i analysed is correct or wrong
tues,wed,thurs ll be having mid term marathon (=x_x=)
tues - Money & Banking Management
wed - Business Finance
thurs - Financial & Monetary Systems
free after thurs?
another 2 assignments have to be done
research project proposal -- due on week 11
role play script for law -- and yes, this mean we gonna have role play in class.. in week 12.. gosh..
going to "long biak" 、ン、)┳*------*タ゛タ゛タ゛タ゛タ゛!!
my current mood :
( ^.^) >> ( -.-) >> ( _ _) >> ( -。-)
gonna do some revision for final before back in hometown during the study week~ everyone jia you.. :*:・゚ タ━━━o(*・ω・*)○━━━ダ♪:*:・゚
label 喃喃自语碎碎念
god bless everyone...